BizBuySell Insight Report for 2022

BizBuySell has issued their latest insight report, which summarizes market growth and trends from last year. In this report, they have several interesting areas to report including a summary of how lower sales prices and rate hikes impacted the value of businesses in recent months. The report can be found at
Overall Trends in 2022
Buyers currently appear to have some leverage when it comes to the prices of businesses on the market. When comparing 2022 with 2021, we see a 4.7% increase in closed transactions. Comparing it to the year prior, there is a 19% gain. Obviously, 2020 sales were negatively impacted by COVID.
While sales grew substantially in the first half of 2022, there was a decrease in momentum in the second half of the year due to inflation and interest rate increases.
The number of transactions recorded by in 2022 are actually fairly comparable to 2021, with numbers of 9054 and 8647, respectively. While the transactions raised 27% and then 14% in the first and second quarters, transactions then lagged in the second half, dropping by 2% and then 12.7%.
Trends Among Business Owners
BizBuySell’s surveys showed that the majority of owners are concerned about rate hikes and inflation. In fact, 53% say that the rate hikes are having a negative impact on them. They also reported concerns about rising SBA loan rates, as many business owners utilize their lines of credit. In addition to that aspect, there are still supply chain issues that are negatively impacting businesses.
The main takeaways from 2022 seem to be a steady but slow progression in growth. Moving into 2023, interest rate hikes and inflation seem to be on everyone’s mind as a prevailing factor that will have an impact on sales and growth.
It’s Never Too Early to Create an Exit Plan
The report also reveals that according to data acquired by BizBuySell, only 53% of business owners say they have an exit plan. Only 58% of owners reported knowing what their business is worth. If you are a business owner and would like to find out more about what your business is worth, a business broker or M&A advisor can assist you with that information.
Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
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