Before You Sell Your Family-Owned Business

There once was a family-owned bakery that had sales in the millions. The bakery sold bread to restaurants, supermarkets and some retail outlets. The founder gave each of his 5 children 20 percent ownership of the business. The kids really didn’t want to work in the business, so they turned the operation and management over to 2 members of the third generation. For some years the business had been operating on a break-even basis, and sales were not increasing.
The founder’s children decided that they wanted to sell the business since they were close to retirement age. A professional business intermediary was retained to do this. He contacted as many of the larger bakeries as possible, hoping to find a suitable acquirer, but there was very little interest. The intermediary continued his search, willing to do the hard work required to find a good buyer. He finally found a successful businessman who offered a price equal to 50 percent of sales – a generous offer.
The intermediary presented the offer to the five children – all equal partners. Little did he know that he had walked into the proverbial hornet’s nest. A huge family argument ensued, and finally the intermediary was asked to leave the room so that the siblings could decide what to do.
The offer was turned down flat. There was no counter-proposal or even any negotiation on price, terms or conditions. The offer was dead. The intermediary had worked on trying to find the right buyer, figured he had – all to no avail, six months wasted.
It turns out that the major obstacle was thrown up by those two members of the third generation who had been operating the business. They feared that they might lose their jobs even though the prospective buyer assured the sellers that he would retain them. Were they being unreasonable? The reality is that the operators were “family” – related in one way or another to the five owners, and blood is usually thicker than water.
Flash forward some 20 years. The bakery is still in business with very little growth and still operating on a breakeven basis. The five owners are now in their 70s, they have never received anything for their equity, and there is very little hope that they ever will.
The above is a true story. It shows how a family can own a business and not be prepared or in agreement when it comes time to sell it. Although the bakery is still in business, it is barely hanging on. The story is sad as well as true. The proposed deal could have satisfied all of the owners’ goals and made their retirement years a lot more comfortable.
Family-owned businesses make up a lot of the non-public companies in the U.S., and according to industry reports, many of them will be up for sale in the near future. In situations where the family owned business is owned by more than one person, it is crucial that a meeting be held with all of the family owners prior to electing to sell, unless a strong buy-sell agreement has already been agreed to. This agreement should establish, among other things, specific guidelines about what happens if one family member wants out of the business.
At this meeting, the company attorney and accountant should be in attendance along with a business intermediary. The reason to include the intermediary at this early stage is that he or she knows what the pitfalls are, what buyer concerns will be, and what should be done prior to going to market.
One of the major problems when there is more than one owner is communications. For example, one owner who is active in the business decides that he needs a new, expensive car and that the company should pay for it. This is the kind of issue a decision-forming meeting should bring to light and address. Strict guidelines should also be in writing concerning salaries, benefits, etc. When one family member wants to cash out or another one spends a lot of money furnishing their office – it is too late to have an agreement drawn up to cover these possible roadblocks. The time is now!